Cat naps – luxury or necessity?

Hi, I’m Kate and I’ve been a fur baby mum to cats since the age of 4, so over three decades now. I’m not your average cat mum though, I am what some would describe as a crazy cat lady, a cat enthusiast and maybe even a cat whisperer. I’ve been a pet sitter for others as well as owning my own and I currently have two fur babies, Bella & Monte whom I rescued from a pet shelter when they were 9 weeks old, however I first met them when they were 9 days old and were still blind and deaf (did you know all kittens are born like this?) 


For me our pets really become part of our lives, our family and are treated exactly like my children. I have over the years spent many years learning cat behaviour so I can come to really understand their needs and give them the happiest life possible.  


Do you have a cat? Do they sleep all the time, constantly having cat naps? Some people see this as cats are lazy creatures, don’t make an effort, that they are lethargic and passive animals and this really couldn’t be further from the truth (in most cases). 


Cat's conserve their energy by sleeping an average of 13 to 14 hours a day, which is mostly done during daylight hours, as they are naturally nocturnal creatures. Since cats are natural predators, their brains and bodies are programmed to have them hunting mostly at night, when their excellent eyesight can help them catch prey while staying undetected. 


Though domesticated, our kitties still display many behaviours found in big cats in the wild such as lions and tigers. Since hunting prey takes a huge amount of energy, cats sleep as much as possible so they will have the energy needed to pounce on their prey, even if it is only a catnip toy or rubber ball.  


So you see, it is inbuilt in our feline friends to conserve their energy, to rest, to sleep, so they can have the power to hunt. Now the next time you call your cat lazy, think twice as they are simply waiting to pounce. 


You have a mini lion in your living room! 


This is my fur baby Monte yawning because as usual he is tired and waiting to have a snooze! 


Kate at Cherry Blossom Management 



Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer…


Nathan becomes team member at the Pet Professional Member Network…